What is an iBlock?
future robotics engineer
iBlocks in Action:
Rube Goldberg Machines
Watch as middle grades students get hands-on with the engineering design process, collaborate, problem solve, and create. Throughout the video, iBlocks educators provide insights into each step in the process.
Spark inspiration with iBlocks – experiential PBL activities that engage students in critical thinking, teamwork, and fun!
Easy lift, high reward
Because iBlocks are student-led and teacher-guided, they offer a robust and creative environment for everyone. Testing, grading, and formal evaluation are eliminated, and instead, students demonstrate mastery and learning through self-evaluation, discussion, and overall engagement with the project.
An enhancement to your existing curriculum
Enrich your existing curriculum with an iBlock, or use it to kick off a STEM initiative. An iBlock is designed to supplement your instruction with content that gives students a place to invent, explore, and take ownership of their learning.
An out-of-the-box solution
Each iBlock includes everything you need to implement it effectively in the classroom, from a framework that aligns to national standards, to student workbooks, a teacher’s guide to help you facilitate, and even self-assessments to help students keep their learning on track.
Driven by design thinking
In each iBlock you’ll see a strong focus on engineering design concepts like researching, constructing, testing, evaluating, and redesigning, since an iBlock teaches students that learning is a journey — not a straight line.
Built around a capstone project
Each iBlock culminates in a capstone project that brings together everything students have learned throughout their iBlock, from their earliest research to their latest redesign.
Essential iBlock Package
An Essential iBlock Package contains everything you need to implement experiential, project-based learning in the classroom, right out of the box. Each iBlock title comes with paper materials and access to our online PBL delivery platform, iBlocks Online. From skills and objectives to critical thinking and reflection, iBlocks are the complete thought. Let us provide you with everything you need for impactful learning experiences – all you have to handle is the fun part, implementing it with your students!
iBlock Support
Have an idea or need some additional support? We would love to collaborate with you. We can work with your school to create customized iBlocks to suit your needs. We also offer iBlock implementation and facilitation support through personalized professional development.
Want to see what it’s all about?