Makey Makey iBlock Topics

Create a Video Game

iBlock Objective:

Within the last 40 years, video games have been an essential part of our media entertainment. From arcades to home consoles, and now to our smartphones, video games have found many outlets in which new audiences can be reached. In this iBlock, students will create their own compelling video game from start to finish using Bloxels, and then create their own official video game reviews.

  • Grade Band: 6-8, 9-12
  • Primary Focus: Literacy
  • Secondary Focus: Engineering Design
  • Additional Foci: Advanced Literacy, Transferable Skills, Social-Emotional Learning
  • Required Technologies: Bloxels, Makey Makey (extension only)
  • Related Industry Sectors: Arts, Media, & Entertainment


An iBlock matches skills to standards (like Common Core or NGSS).

Here is a sample content standard for this iBlock:

Determine the key ideas or conclusions of a source; trace the source’s explanation or depiction of a complex process, phenomenon, or concept; provide an accurate summary of the source. (Next Generation ELA Standards, 9-10RST2)

Engineering 3D Printed Instruments

iBlock Objective:

The sound an instrument produces has a lot to do with the materials that it’s made of. An instrument made of wood has a very different sound than one made of brass. What about a plastic instrument? In this iBlock, students will investigate the science of sound, how instruments produce sound, and the difference materials can make in producing that sound. In addition, students will explore the anatomy of particular instruments, and become familiar with the foundations of music composition and 3D design.

  • Grade Band: 6-8
  • Primary Focus: Musical Instruments, Sound Engineering
  • Secondary Focus: Music
  • Additional Foci: Advanced Literacy, Transferable Skills, Social-Emotional Learning
  • Possible Suggested Technologies: 3D Printers, Makey Makey
  • Related Industry Sectors: Scientific Research & Engineering; Manufacturing & Product Development; Arts, A/V Technology & Communication


An iBlock matches skills to standards (like Common Core or NGSS).

Here is a sample content standard for this iBlock:

Generate and compare multiple solutions that use patterns to transfer information. (4-PS4-3)

Engineering an Assistive Game Controller

iBlock Objective:

In this iBlock, students will learn about inclusivity, game controller design, and the gaming industry. Then, they’ll work towards creating a game controller for a gamer with disabilities to use with a simple coded video game. This iBlock takes students through the engineering design process from research on disabilities and the history of the game controller to designing and building an assistive controller and simple game, to improving their device and hosting an arcade event!

  • Grade Band: 3-5, 6-8, 9-12
  • Primary Focus: Engineering, Programming
  • Secondary Focus: ELA, Communication
  • Additional Foci: Advanced Literacy, Transferable Skills, Social-Emotional Learning
  • Possible Suggested Technologies: littleBits, Sparkfun, Makey Makey, 3D printer
  • Related Industry Sectors: Scientific Research & Engineering; Manufacturing & Product Development


An iBlock matches skills to standards (like Common Core or NGSS).

Here is a sample content standard for this iBlock:

Evaluate competing design solutions using a systematic process to determine how well they meet the criteria and constraints of the problem. (MS-ETS1-2)

Fashion for Function: Smart Wearables

iBlock Objective:

Wearable technology has changed quite drastically since the first items hit stores. Some of the most drastic changes and innovations in “smart” wearables have been focused on making them aesthetically pleasing while also serving a purpose, whether that’s fashion, health, or entertainment. In this iBlock, students will design a unique piece of wearable technology that fulfills a function. Who knows — maybe one day it will climb to the top of gift idea lists!

  • Grade Band: 6-8
  • Primary Focus: Design, Fabrication, and Engineering
  • Secondary Focus: ELA and Marketing
  • Additional Foci: Advanced Literacy, Transferable Skills, Social-Emotional Learning
  • Possible Suggested Technologies: micro:bit, Makey Makey
  • Related Industry Sectors: Fashion & Interior Design; Marketing, Sales, & Services


An iBlock matches skills to standards (like Common Core or NGSS).

Here is a sample content standard for this iBlock:

Evaluate competing design solutions using a systematic process to determine how well they meet the criteria and constraints of the problem. (MS-ETS1-2)

Makey Makey