Geometric Self-Watering Planter
iBlock Objective:
Are you looking for a creative, project-based way to teach your students about computer-aided design? In this iBlock, students will construct a geometric self-watering planter in Tinkercad. This project will utilize advanced skills in CAD software and challenge students to think mathematically while designing.
- Grade Band: 6-8
- Primary Focus: CAD
- Secondary Focus: Geometry
- Additional Foci: Advanced Literacy, Transferable Skills, Social-Emotional Learning
- Possible Suggested Technologies: 3D printer, laser cutter, micro:bit soil moisture sensor
- Related Industry Sectors: Agriculture, Food, & Natural Resources; Marketing, Sales, & Services
Here is a sample NGSS standard for this iBlock:
6-7.G Solve real-life and mathematical problems involving angle measure, area, surface area, and volume.